I am Sue

My photo
I am Sue Mochrie. An ever opening flower, waiting for sunlight to warm the rain drops. My creative thoughts and Art will be recorded in words and pictures.....

Saturday, 30 October 2010

"Scare Crow!"

I took this unsettling shot in Cornwall recently. I have passed by this cottage many times and was taken aback to find the chilling site of a dead crow hanging menacingly above the gate. I guess it's one way to frighten the crows away if they're causing a nuisance. The view looking up is spookily reminiscent of the gallows. It seems an appropriate shot to show you, the night before Halloween!


  1. Poor crow, it's a well done photo though and perfect for this time of year! Hope it goes to the Summerlands and is at peace xx

  2. Thanks for your comment Hekateo.
    We will never know how the crow came to it's end.

  3. oh sad....I love your painting.

  4. It may have died of natural causes, who will ever know!

    CarrieEllen, thank you for lovely comments about my Art x
